Infographic: How to Simplify Your Compliance and Increase Consumer Satisfaction

Resources Visual Guide & Infographic

Infographic: How to Simplify Your Compliance and Increase Consumer Satisfaction

Infographic: How to Simplify Your Compliance and Increase Consumer Satisfaction

Learn more about the challenges faced by brands and how they can reduce the risks of non-compliance and bring products to the market that meet consumer expectations.

Our new infographic covers:

  • Current situation of risks and non-compliances in Europe
  • What is needed to prove compliance?
  • How brands can achieve the smoothest possible in-house process
  • What is a product Technical Compliance File?

Ensuring product’s compliance with market destination standards and regulations is a challenging task.  

Learn more about how brands and retailers can reduce the risks of non-compliance by filling out the form and clicking ‘Download eBook’ to download your own copy.

API’s Product Technical Compliance File (TCF) Solution

At API, we offer a new way to help brands manage product compliance and beyond. Read more about our TCF solutions here

Resources webinar

Webinar Replay: A sustainable solution – Chem Scan Check™

In this video, you will learn more about our new sustainability solution – Chem Scan Check™.

Watch the video on YouTube:

API experts talk about one of the latest solutions developed by Worms Safety Laboratories to bring a sustainable way for 0% unexpected chemical risks: Chem Scan Check™. Join us to find out how this new solution is already helping some of our partners in their chemical management strategies.

API’s Innovative Chem Scan Check™ Solution

To support our partners in optimizing their testing strategies, we developed Chem Scan Check™ (CSC), which scans for more than 285 hazardous chemical substances in one go. Instead of waiting for a pass/fail outcome for expected chemicals with a traditional testing approach, we offer our partners insight into the potentiality of 285 chemicals that may be present—including those you wouldn’t usually look for in a regular test.

For the first time, a check-through chemical scan gives you visibility on almost all hazardous substances to help prevent ‘unexpected’ non-compliance risks in only 72h.

Read more about this innovative solution here

Resources webinar

Video – Technical Compliance File Solution

In this video, you will learn more about our Technical Compliance File Solutions.

Watch the video on YouTube:

Brands and retailers are obligated to ensure their products are compliant with market destination standards and regulations, but this is easier said than done.

At API, our TCF solutions help our customers create a digital ID of each product that confirms its compliance to the latest applicable standards and regulations. Find out more about our TCF solutions in this video.


API experts can help you to comply with the strict requirements imposed and beyond leveraging our experience in household goods & toys.

  • Setting the adequate procedures
  • Defining the relevant scope of compliance
  • Helping to define additional quality and safety criteria to go beyond compliance
  • Collecting and validating a high volume of documents quickly
  • Gathering all documents in one single place (available for 10 years)

Read more about our comprehensive product compliance solutions here

Resources webinar

API Solutions for Toys

In this video, you will know more about our comprehensive quality management solutions for toys.

Watch the video on YouTube:

At API, we offer tailor-made solutions to manage quality and safety right from the early stages of development thanks to our strong toy expertise.


At API we support toy brands across their entire supply chain. Read more about our tailor-made solutions for toys here

ebook Resources

Case Study: 2 Quality Assurance Solutions To Reduce Product Recalls

Case Study: 2 QA Solutions API Used to Help Retailers Optimize Their Processes

Learn how API helped one retailer reduce product recalls by 60% in a year and more!

Reduce Product Recalls - Ebook: 2 Quality Assurance Solutions API Used to Help Retailers Optimize Their Processes

As a retailer, you understand that your quality assurance systems are essential to every aspect of your supply chain and the ultimate growth of your business.

But, what happens when you decide to undergo process changes to facilitate growth and things take an unexpected turn for the worst?

Our new case study covers:

  • Retailer A decided to take procurement procedures into their own hands and didn’t have an adequate quality control and inspection system in place, resulting in over 50% of their shipment being held due to basic procedural non-compliances rendering them “pending”
  • Retailer B experienced many product recalls due to incomplete/unavailable technical compliance files, and found themselves in a place where there was a lack of resources to begin properly monitoring and reviewing all the technical requirements for all the products that needed to get to market
  • Help in improving their decision process on product quality assessment to deal with issues immediately before they became problems
  • Greater insights into the efficiency of their suppliers and their operational systems and structures, to help them to identify risk early on and provide long-term cost savings
  • With actionable, real time data and information, retailer A was able to streamline their processes and decrease their “pending” release shipment percentage from 65% to less than 15%
  • By implementing customized TCF software, retailer B reduced the amount of product recalls they experienced by 60% in a year

Ensuring that you are equipped to deal with supply chain issues as they arise is essential for your business. 

Learn more about how our customized quality assurance solutions helped retailers just like you by filling out the form and clicking ‘Download eBook’ to download your own copy.

ebook Resources

eBook: A Quality Assurance Optimization Guide For Regional Brands

Free Download: A Quality Assurance Optimization Guide For Regional Brands

This guide will help you to optimize your quality assurance procedures and empower you to improve your current quality systems through best practice.

A Quality Assurance Optimization Guide For Regional Brands

Striving for optimized quality assurance procedures should be seen as an opportunity for continued strategic and competitive advantage that can put your brand in a position for growth. 

In this eBook, “A Quality Assurance Optimization Guide For Regional Brands” we explore the challenges of QA and what strategies you can use to implement into your quality systems to maintain your competitive advantage. These procedures will not only enhance your brands quality, but also strengthen your credibility. 

Here’s a quick look at what’s inside the guide:

  • Quality challenges faced by regional retailers
  • Solutions that can be applied to your context 
  • Key take aways from global strategies. 

We wrote this eBook for any manager who understands that quality is the litmus test for how effectively a retailer is at implementing its QA strategy across its supply chain.

Are you ready to read this FREE eBook to begin optimizing your quality systems? Just fill in the form and click “Download eBook” to request your FREE copy.

Resources Visual Guide & Infographic

Why Every Company Should Get Environmental Auditing!

Free Visual Guide: Why Every Company Should Get Environmental Auditing!

Everything you need to know to promote employee awareness, comply with environmental regulations and save on costs!

A ‘must-have' solution for ethical retail brands

Modernization and the age of industry has propelled us all into the 21st century, but at a dire cost that is being paid by the very home that sustains us.

Ethical retail brands understand the need to address non-compliances in their supply chain. Gaining favor in the eyes of environmentally conscious consumers and making a positive impact all starts with an environmental audit.

Our comprehensive auditing visual guide covers:

  • Why you should adopt an EMS
  • Complying with ISO 14001
  • Types and scope of environmental audits
  • Essential pre-audit/post audit activities 
  • Key benefits and more…

Discover absolutely everything your brand needs to know to about this audit and how it can help you save on all fronts by filling in the form and clicking “Download eBook” to request it for FREE .

Resources Visual Guide & Infographic

Infographic: Safer Toys, Shorter Time-to-Market

'Safer Toys, Shorter Time-to-Market' infographic

This infographic will teach you some measures that you can adopt to tackle risks at an early stage.

Our ‘Safer Toys, Shorter Time-to-Market‘ infographic provides brands and their teams with insights on anticipating risks from the early stages of development. In this unpredictable and challenging time, ensuring product compliance and preventing risks have become more critical than ever. 

Take a closer look at the preventive actions that can help you avoid the feared ‘FAIL’ result in a pre-shipment test. 

Fill out the form and click “Download eBook” to receive your complimentary copy.


At API we support toy brands across their entire supply chain. Read more about our tailor-made solutions for toys here

ebook Resources

eBook: The Ultimate Quality Inspection Guide: The 9 Steps You Don’t Want To Miss!

9 Step Quality Inspection Guide For Improved Product Quality

Learn how API can help you improve your overall product quality through optimizing your quality inspection systems.

API eBook: The Ultimate Quality Inspection Guide: The 9 Steps You Don't Want To Miss!

What can you expect from our Quality Inspection Guide?

We walk you through:

  • How you can go about identifying your needs with API’s team 
  • Why golden samples are important 
  • Why defining your product specifications are important 
  • The key benefits of each inspection type that API can offer you 
  • How important data based insight can be utilized for improvement strategies

This inspection guide is for every quality manager, importer and retailer that seeks to understand the benefits and importance of the quality procedures you choose to use for your product and what they can do to improve your overall factory performance.  

*Bonus – We have also added checklists to help further assist you in improving your product quality!  

Are you ready to learn more about how our customized quality inspection solutions can benefit you? Fill out the form and click ‘Download eBook’ to download your very own copy.

ebook Resources

eBook: How To Build Systems To Ensure Product Compliance For Large Supply Chains

Free Download: "How To Build Systems To Ensure Product Compliance For Large Supply Chains"

As an importer, how do you address the need for compliance within your supply chain?

How To Build Systems To Ensure Product Compliance For Large Supply Chains

Importers the world over have needed to keep up with the constant changes in global regulations. These constant changes and growth in the market have meant that things like product compliance and supply chain transparency have become essential to operational success.

In this ebook, “How to build systems to ensure product compliance in large supply chains” We discover exactly how to build these systems.

Here’s a quick look at what’s inside:

  • Why is compliance necessary
  • How to turn compliance challenges into opportunities for growth
  • Specific audits that are needed for compliance in your supply chain
  • Ever wondered how to create a compliance culture? We show you how

This eBook is for any importer who understands that product compliance and transparent supply chains are the only way to remain globally competitive.

Are you ready to read this FREE eBook and begin creating that desired compliant supply chain? Just fill in the form and click “DOWNLOAD NOW” to request your FREE copy.