Chem Scan Check™

Chem Scan Check™

To support our partners in optimizing their testing strategies, we developed Chem Scan Check™  (CSC), which scans for more than 320 hazardous chemical substances in one go. Instead of waiting for a pass/fail outcome for expected chemicals with a traditional testing approach, we offer our partners insight into the potentiality of 320 chemicals that may be present—including those you wouldn’t usually look for in a regular test.

For the first time, a check-through chemical scan gives you visibility on almost all hazardous substances to help prevent ‘unexpected’ non-compliance risks.

Understand and anticipate risk

  • Wider visibility of substances (320 in a single test)

Adapted approach for chemical risk management

  • When risk is lower, can do one screen

Strong compliance focus

  • Test what you were not testing today
    (ex: focus on raw material)
  • Tests more + Risk management
  • Combination of substances / regulations

How does Chem Scan Check™  work?

Chem Scan Check™ brings to the market one test run instead of the full substance list test. With only 5g of material, you can receive a screening result in accordance with the AFIRM restricted substance list for your textiles or plastics — and at a cost level that makes sense. The innovative technology is applicable to all products containing plastics and textiles; however, our current scope focuses on textiles, apparel, footwear, and home textiles, including sensitive products such as baby wear.

Chem Scan Check

Product application

  • Recycled materials
  • Sensitive products
  • Unknown source chemicals  
  • Chemical cocktail 

Key benefits


Wider visibility in a single test



Affordable screening

Learn more about this innovative solution with our webinar replay here!
Interested in finding out how Chem Scan Check™ can improve your chemical management performance?