Update on the Proposed New Toy Regulation

The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Toy Safety Regulation – to replace the TSD – that would apply directly to all Member States. This will better ensure Member States do not impose national technical requirements that go beyond the requirements and/or contradict those requirements.

Two objectives of the Toy Safety Regulation:

  1. Increase protection from harmful chemicals: the proposal extends the current ban on substances classified as carcinogenic, mutagenic, and toxic for reproduction to include endocrine disruptors (these are chemicals that affect the endocrine system) as well as chemicals that are toxic to a specific organ or affect the immune, neurological, or respiratory system. It also proposes a wider definition of children’s health to include mental health, wellbeing and cognitive development.
  2. Strengthen enforcement: checks along the value chain will be strengthened. All toys, including those sold online, should have a Digital Product Passport with all information concerning compliance with the regulation.

API’s specialised solutions for the Proposed EU Toy Safety Regulation

As a member of the CEN/TC52/WG3 Technical Committee Working Group, the French AFNOR/S51C Standards Commission and the EUROLAB France, API are the toy safety experts that can help support you in navigating these changes.
API can help support you in navigating these changes. Our specialised services for the Proposed EU Toy Safety Regulation cover all your needs, from product design and development through to shipping: